Sea Surface Temperature products

Product type
Product Identifier Status Satellite input Level Temporal coverage Temporal sampling Spatial coverage Spatial sampling
Global Metop Sea Surface Temperature
Near real time product Global Metop Sea Surface Temperature
OSI-201-b Operational Metop-B/AVHRR L3C 2008-onwards 2 per day Global 0.05°
North Atlantic Regional Sea Surface Temperature
OSI-202-c Operational Metop-B/AVHRR and NOAA-20/VIIRS L3C 2006-onwards 4 per day North Atlantic 2 km
High Latitude Sea and Ice Surface Temperature
OSI-203-a Operational Metop-B/AVHRR L3 2012-onwards 2 per day Poleward of 50N 5 km
High Latitude Sea and Ice Surface Temperature
OSI-203-b Operational NPP/VIIRS L3 2012-onwards 2 per day Poleward of 50N 5 km
Full resolution Metop Sea Surface Temperature metagranules
OSI-204-b Operational Metop-B/AVHRR L2P 2007-onwards 480 per day (each 3min) Global 1 km
Full resolution Metop Sea Surface Temperature metagranules
OSI-204-c Operational Metop-C/AVHRR L2P 2012-onwards 480 per day (each 3min) Global 1km
OSI-205-a Operational Metop-B/AVHRR L2 2016-onwards 110/day/hemisphere Poleward of 50N and 50S 1 km
OSI-205-b Operational NPP/VIIRS L2 2016-onwards Up to 15 files/day Poleward of 50N 1 km
Meteosat 0° Sea Surface Temperature
Near real time product Meteosat Sea Surface Temperature
OSI-206-a Operational Meteosat-10/SEVIRI L3C 2004-onwards 24 per day East Atlantic, West Indian: 60N-60S 60W-60E 0.05° Lat-Lon
Meteosat 0° Sea Surface Temperature
OSI-206-b Development Meteosat 0°/FCI L3C From 2024 24 per day East Atlantic, West Indian: 60N-60S 60W-60E 0.05° Lat-Lon
GOES-East Sea Surface Temperature
Near real time product GOES-East Sea Surface Temperature
OSI-207-b Operational GOES-16/ABI L3C 2001-onwards 24 per day West Atlantic East Pacific : 60N-60S 135W-15W 0.05° Lat-Lon
IASI Sea Surface Temperature
OSI-208-b Operational METOP-B/IASI L2P 2014-onwards 480 per day (each 3 min) Global 12 to 40 km
Meteosat 0° Sea Surface Temperature (CDR)
OSI-250 Released MSG / SEVIRI (Meteosat-8, Meteosat-9) L3C (GHRSST) 2004-2012 1h East Atlantic, West Indian: 60N-60S 60W-60E 0.05° Lat-Lon
Meteosat Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature
OSI-IO-SST Demonstrational Meteosat-9/SEVIRI L3C 2017-onwards 24 per day Indian Ocean: 60N-60S 18.5W-101.5E 0.05° Lat-Lon

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