Workshop and surveys
The OSI SAF tries to answer to the requirements defined by its users community. In addition to the continuous activities related to user support, the OSI SAF experts meet users communities in specific meetings. Workshops are being organised to meet the users and to discuss on scientific and technical aspects.
OSI SAF webinars in early 2022
OSI SAF webinars 2022
The Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF) team has presented a series of webinars providing an overview of the OSI SAF products and their applications.
The purpose of each webinar was to show the products: explain how they are processed and validated, what they can be used for, and how they can be used. The webinars have been recorded and are accessible online through the eumetrain website. You can access the following webinar recordings :
The webinars were aimed at both existing users of the OSI SAF products and those who are not familiar with these products. They were free and open to all. The webinars were also an opportunity for participants to ask questions, before or during the event and the questions and answers remain available with the short courses.
OSI SAF past workshops and their outcome
You will find below information on previous workshops and the material which was presented.