OSI SAF usage policy and acknowledgement

  • License:

    The OSI SAF products are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) by EUMETSAT.


    Whether you’re displaying the product as-is or if you have used it as input data, please use one of the following attribution:

    • Figures (short): EUMETSAT OSI SAF [Product Identifier] (e.g., “EUMETSAT OSI SAF OSI-450-a”).

    • Texts (long): “Data source: EUMETSAT OSI SAF, Global Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record 1978–2020 (v3.0, 2023), OSI-450-a, doi:10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_0013.”

    • Papers: “EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility, Global Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record 1978–2020 (v3.0, 2023), OSI-450-a, doi:10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_0013.”

    Citation and feedback:

    Please look at each product page on https://osi-saf.eumetsat.int to find a recommended citation. If you cite any OSI SAF product in a peer-reviewed publication, please let us know by sending the title and DOI to osi-saf.manager@meteo.fr.

    The comments that we get from our users is an important input when defining development activities and updates, and user feedback to the OSI SAF project team is highly valued.

    Please register at http://osi-saf.eumetsat.int to receive latest information on OSI SAF services and to get access to the OSI SAF helpdesk.


    EUMETSAT offers no warranty and accepts no liability in respect of the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products. EUMETSAT neither commits to nor guarantees the continuity, availability, or quality or suitability for any purpose of, the Ocean & Sea Ice SAF products.

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