2DVARTwo Dimensional Variational Ambiguity RemovalScatterometer winds are principally ambiguous in wind direction. 2DVAR performs an incremental analysis based on the ambiguous scatterometer wind vector solutions and a model forecast, and selects the most likely solution.
AASTIThe Arctic and Antarctic sea and sea ice Surface Temperature from thermal Infrared satellites sensors
ACCESSArctic Climate Change Economy and SocietyResearch project funded by European Union
AHLAtlantic Hight Latitude
AMSRAdvanced Microwave Scanning RadiometerAMSR-E is the AMSR instrument on board AQUA satellite (NASA), and AMSR-2 the one on board GCOM-W1 satellite (JAXA)
AMSUAdvanced Microwave Sounding Unit
ASCATAdvanced SCATerometer
ATBDAlgorithm Theoretical Baseline Document
ATLATlantic Low and mid latitude
AVHRRAdvanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
AWDPAscat Wind Data Processor
BUFRBinary Universal Form for data RepresentationA product format used by OSI SAF
CDOPContinuous Development and Operations PhaseCDOP : first SAF CDOP from March 2007 to February 2012, CDOP2 : second CDOP from March 2012 to February 2017, CDOP3 : from March 2017 to February 2022
CDRClimate Data RecordA time series of measurements of sufficient length, consistency, and continuity to determine climate variability and change.
CERSATCERSAT/Laboratory of Oceanography From SpaceIfremer "Centre ERS d'Archivage et de Traitement"
CM SAFSatellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring
CMEMSCopernicus Marine Environment Monitoring ServiceCMEMS is the Copernicus Marine Service entrusted to Mercator Ocean by the European Union. Inside the CMEMS, the wind, ice and SST TAC (WITS) provides operational (Level 3 and 4) observational multi-mission data products derived from upstream satellite earth observation (L2) data (among with OSI SAF data).
CMSCentre de Météorologie SpatialeMétéo-France Satellite Centre located in Lannion, France.
CopernicusCopernicusCopernicus, previously known as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), is the European Programme for the establishment of a European system for monitoring the Earth. Copernicus consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors. It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues. The services address six thematic areas: land, marine, atmosphere, climate change, emergency management and security. The marine service uses OSI SAF products as inputs.
DAMOCLESDeveloping Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environnemental StudiesResearch project funded by European Union
DLIDownward Long wave Irradiance
DMIDanish Meteorological Institute
DMSPDefense Meteorological Satellite ProgramUS Air force DMSP satellites (DMSP-F19 with instrument SSMIS on board for example) are used in OSI SAF Sea Ice processing
EARSEumetsat Advanced Retransmission Service
EASEEqual-Area Scalable EarthThe Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid (EASE-Grid) is intended to be a versatile format for global-scale gridded data, specifically remotely sensed data.
This Lambert azimuthal equal-area is used for OSI SAF sea ice products. -
ECMWFEuropean Centre for Medium-range Weather ForecastsEuropean organisation Providing weather forecast support to European meteorological organizations.
EDCEUMETSAT Data CentreThe EUMETSAT Data Centre provides a long-term archive of data and generated products from EUMETSAT, which can be ordered online.
EPSEuropean Polar SystemEUMETSAT operational system based on METOP polar orbiting satellites.
ESAEuropean Space AgencyESA is responsible for several satellites of interest, in particular ENVISAT satellite, from which is derived the AATSR SST, key reference for the OSI SAF, and for the SENTINEL-3 satellite.
EUMETCastEUMETCastEUMETCast is a multi-service dissemination system based on standard Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) technology. It uses commercial telecommunication geostationary satellites to multi-cast files (data and products) to a wide user community. EUMETCast also delivers a range of third-party products.
EUMETSATEuropean Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
FAQFrequently Asked Question
FARFalse Alarm Ratio
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
GACGlobal Area Coverage(sample averaging of the full resolution AVHRR data)
GBLGloBaL ocean
GCOM-WGlobal Change Observation Mission-Water
GCOSGlobal Climate Observing SystemGlobal Climate Observing System, is a source of requirement for the OSI SAF.
GDSGHRSST Data SpecificationTechnical specification of GHRSST products and services
GEOGeostationary Earth Orbit
GHRSSTGroup for High Resolution Sea Surface TemperatureThe GHRSST gathers an international community of users involved in scientific projects and operational Oceanography, and as a consequence is an important source of requirements for the OSI SAF. More information in the GHRSST User Guide version 9 (
GMFGeophysical Model FunctionThe GMF relates the scatterometer normalized radar cross section to the ocean wind speed and direction.
GOESGeostationary Operational Enviromental Satellite
GRIBGRIdded BinaryA product format used by OSI SAF.
GTSGlobal Transmission System
HDFHierarchical Data FormatA product format used by OSI SAF.
HIRLAMHIgh Resolution Limited Area Model
HLHight Latitude
HOAPSHamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and fluxes from Satellite data
HRITHight Rate Information Transmission
IAOOSIce Atmosphere Arctic Ocean Observing SystemFrench research project
ICDRInterim Climate Data RecordRegular and consistent updates of a CDR.
IfremerInstitut FRançais de recherche pour l'Exploitation de la MERFrench Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
IOMASAIntegrated Observation and Modeling of Arctic Sea ice and AtmosphereResearch project funded by European Union
IOPInitial Operational PhaseThis OSI SAF phase began after the development phase (from 1997 to 2002) and took place from July 2002 to February 2007
IOVWSTInternational Ocean Vector Wind Science Team
ISROIndian Space Research Organisation
IWWGInternational Wind Working Group
JAXAJapan Aerospace eXploration Agency
JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory
JPSSJoined Polar Satellite SystemJoined NOAA-EUMETSAT operational system based on NOAA and METOP polar orbiting satellites
KNMIKoninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch InstituutRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
L1BLevel 1BLevels from 0 to 4 have been defined by the remote sensing community to describe the processing level of products. Level 0 represents raw data, while Level 4 data have had the greatest amount of processing applied.
Level 1B are unprocessed instrument data alongside ancillary information (Level 1A data) that have been processed to sensor units. -
L2Level 2Levels from 0 to 4 have been defined by the remote sensing community to describe the processing level of products. Level 0 represents raw data, while Level 4 data have had the greatest amount of processing applied.
Level 2 products are retrieved environmental variables at the same resolution and location as the level 1 source data.
The OSI SAF products are L2 and L3 products based on lower level products mainly provided by EUMETSAT. -
L2PLevel 2 Pre-processedOn top of levels from L0 to L4 defined by the remote sensing community to describe the processing level of products, the SST community has developed a set of SST definitions in the context of the GHRSST.
L2P products are satellite SST observations together with a measure of uncertainty for each observation in a common GHRSST netCDF format.
Auxiliary fields are also provided for each pixel as dynamic flags to filter and help interpret the SST data. -
L2PcoreLevel 2 Pre-processed CoreOn top of levels from L0 to L4 defined by the remote sensing community to describe the processing level of products, the SST community has developed a set of SST definitions in the context of the GHRSST. L2Pcore is defined like L2P but only with 6 mandatory fields that form the core data content of a GHRSST L2P data file.
L3Level 3Levels from 0 to 4 have been defined by the remote sensing community to describe the processing level of products. Level 0 represents raw data, while Level 4 data have had the greatest amount of processing applied.
Level 3 products are data which have been spatially and/or temporally re-sampled (i.e., derived from level 1 or 2 products). Such re-sampling may include averaging and compositing.
The OSI SAF products are L2 and L3 products based on lower level products mainly provided by EUMETSAT. -
L3CLevel 3 CollatedOn top of levels from L0 to L4 defined by the remote sensing community to describe the processing level of products, the SST community has developed a set of SST definitions in the context of the GHRSST.
Gridding a single L2P file produces an "uncollated" L3 file (L3U). Multiple L2P files are gridded to produce either a "collated" L3 file (L3C) from a single sensor or a "super-collated" L3 file from multiple sensors (L3S). -
L3PLevel 3 Pre-processedL3P was never formally defined in a GHRSST Data Specification, but some people still use the term informally.
See L2P and L3C definitions. -
LEOLow Earth Orbit
LMLLow and Mid Latitude
MAPMerged Atlantic Product
Mercator OceanMercator OceanMercator Ocean is a privately-owned non-profit company. It provides operational real-time ocean analyses and forecasts. The organisation was founded and is funded by the five major French institutions involved in operational oceanography: CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Météo-France and SHOM.
Mercator Ocean is the CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Service) delegate of the European Union.
MERSEAMarine Environment and Security for the European AreaResearch project funded by European Union
METnominal METeosat at 0° longitude
MET NorwayNorwegian Meteorological Institute
MetopMeteorological Operational Satellite
MFMétéo-FranceFrench National Meteorological Service
MLEMaximum Likelihood Estimator
MSGMeteosat Second Generation
MyOceanPrecursor of CMEMS (research project funded by European Union)
NARNorthern Atlantic and Regional
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCEPNational Center of Environmental PredictionNOAA centre for numerical prediction
NESDISNational Environmental Satellite Data and Information ServiceNOAA centre for satellite products
NetCDFNetwork Common Data FormA product format used by OSI SAF.
NMSNational Meteorological Service
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPOESSNational Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
NPPNPOESS Preparatory Project
NRTNear Real TimeNRT product means that the product is provided to users according to the timeliness defined in product requirement document for each product (generally less than 3 hours)
NWC SAFSatellite Application Facility on support to NoWCasting and very short range forecasting
NWPNumerical Weather Prediction
NWP SAFSatellite Application Facility for Numerical Weather Prediction
OCEANSAT-2ISRO oceanographic satellite launched in 2009
OSCARObserving Systems Capability Analysis and Review ToolOSCAR is a resource developed by WMO in support of Earth Observation applications, studies and global coordination.
It contains quantitative user-defined requirements for observation of physical variables in application areas of WMO (i.e. related to weather, water and climate). OSCAR also provides detailed information on all earth observation satellites and instruments, and expert analyses of space-based capabilities. -
OSCATOcean SCATterometerKu-Band wind scatterometer flying on OCEANSAT-2
OSI SAFOcean and Sea Ice SAFSatellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice
OSITACOcean and Sea Ice Thematic Assembly Center(from MyOcean)
OSTIAOperational Sea surface Temperature and sea Ice AnalysisThe OSTIA system produces a daily high resolution analysis of the sea surface temperature (SST) for the global ocean.
PDFProbability Density Function / Probability Distribution FunctionIn the OSI SAF wind context : Probability Density Function
In the OSI SAF sea ice context : Probability Distribution Function -
PenWPPencil beam Wind Processor
PMWPassive MicroWave
PNEUMETSAT Product NavigatorCatalogue for all EUMETSAT data and products, including third-party products disseminated via EUMETCast.
PoDProbability of Detection
PODAACPhysical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive CenterNASA satellite data centre for oceanography
PRDProduct requirement DocumentThe purpose of the OSI SAF PRD is to provide the characteristics of products and services to be provided in the long term, e.g. at the end of the CDOP-2. It describes the committed target for development and operations. It is the main reference document for all development related reviews. It indicates to the users what can be expected after completion of planned developments.
PUMProduct User Manual
QCQuality Control
R&DResearch and Development
R2OResearch to Operations
RMDCNRegional Meteorological Data Communication Network
RSSRemote Sensing Systems(American scientific research compagny)
RTTOVRadiative Transfer for TOVSThis fast radiative transfer model developed and maintained by the NWP SAF is used by OSI SAF for SST retrieval
SAFSatellite Application FacilityUtilising specialist expertise from the EUMETSAT Member States, Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs) are dedicated centres of excellence for processing satellite data. They form an integral part of the distributed EUMETSAT Application Ground Segment.
SeaWindsSeaWindsRadar scatterometer on board QuickSCAT to retrieve Sea surface wind vector.
Utilization Period: 1999 to 23/11/2009 -
SeSpService Specification documentThe purpose of the OSI SAF service specification document is to provide specifications and detailed information on the services committed towards the users by the OSI SAF in a given stage of the current CDOP. The Service Specification document details the product characteristics and availability, the quality monitoring, the access to products and the user support.
SEVIRISpinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red ImagerVisible and infra-red imager flying on MSG satellites
SMHISwedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SMMRScanning Multichannel Microwave RadiometerFlown on NIMBUS and SEASAT from 1978 to 1994-08-01
SPICEStratospherique Particle Injection for Climate EngineeringUK research project
SSESSingle Sensor Error StatisticsError estimates provided with each SST value in level 2 and 3 satellite SST products which comply with the GHRSST standart
SSISurface Solar Irradiance
SSMISpecial Sensor Microwave ImagerMicrowave radiometer flying on DMSP satellites up to F-15
SSMISSpecial Sensor Microwave Imager and SounderMicrowave radiometer flying on DMSP F-16 and successor satellites
SSTSea Surface Temperature
std Devstandart DEViation
SVRScientific Validation Report
TBCTo Be Confirmed
TBDTo Be Defined
UMARFUnified Meteorological Archive & Retrieval Facility
VHVertical transmit and Horizontal receive
VIIRSVisible Infrared Imager Radiometer SuiteVisible and infra-red imager flying on NPP satellite. It will fly also on JPSS-1 and 2 satellites.
VRValidation Report
WCRPWorld Climate Research Program
WITSWind sea Ice and Temperature at the Sea surface servicefrom CMES
WMOWorld Meteorological OrganizationThe World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.
WOAPWOAP(World Climate Research Program) Observation and Assimilation Panel
WVCWind Vector CellIndividual ocean surface element for which wind vector is retrieved from scatterometer backscatter measurements.
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