Other documentation
Material for outreach or training
Operational high latitude surface irradiance products from polar orbiting satellites
Øystein Godøy, 2016
Material for outreach or training
OSI SAF Sea Ice Products
An overview of the different sea ice products -
Material for outreach or training
Stéphane Saux Picart, 2016
Focus on MSG SST -
Material for outreach or training
OSI SAF Sea Ice products
Focus on practical use of OSI SAF sea ice data -
Material for outreach or training
OSI SAF Sea Surface Temperature reprocessing of MSG/SEVIRI archive
Stéphane Saux Picart, 2016
Focus on MSG SST reprocessing -
Material for outreach or training
EUMETSAT OSI SAF : Ocean products from GEO satellites
Stéphane Saux Picart, 2016
Information on GOES-E and MSG processing to retrieve sea surface temperature and radiative fluxes -
Visiting scientists reports
Error Covariance Specification for Optimal Estimation Sea Surface Temperature
Chris Merchant, University of reading
OSI_VS18_03 -
Visiting scientists reports
Enhanced Quality Control with the NSCAT-5 Geophysical Model Function
Wenming Lin, ICM-CSIC
OSI_AS17_04 -
Visiting scientists reports
Inter-comparison of high and low microwave frequency sea ice concentration algorithms
Carolina Gabarro, ICMCSIC
OSI_AS17_05 -
Visiting scientists reports
Improving the effective temperature estimation over sea ice using low frequency microwave radiometer data and Arctic buoys
Lise Kilic, Observatoire de Paris, LERMA