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  • Material for outreach or training

    Operational high latitude surface irradiance products from polar orbiting satellites

    Øystein Godøy, 2016

  • Material for outreach or training

    OSI SAF Sea Ice Products


    An overview of the different sea ice products
  • Material for outreach or training

    OSI SAF MSG/SEVIRI SST activities

    Stéphane Saux Picart, 2016

    Focus on MSG SST
  • Material for outreach or training

    OSI SAF Sea Ice products


    Focus on practical use of OSI SAF sea ice data
  • Material for outreach or training

    OSI SAF Sea Surface Temperature reprocessing of MSG/SEVIRI archive

    Stéphane Saux Picart, 2016

    Focus on MSG SST reprocessing
  • Material for outreach or training

    EUMETSAT OSI SAF : Ocean products from GEO satellites

    Stéphane Saux Picart, 2016

    Information on GOES-E and MSG processing to retrieve sea surface temperature and radiative fluxes
  • Visiting scientists reports

    Error Covariance Specification for Optimal Estimation Sea Surface Temperature

    Chris Merchant, University of reading

  • Visiting scientists reports

    Enhanced Quality Control with the NSCAT-5 Geophysical Model Function

    Wenming Lin, ICM-CSIC

  • Visiting scientists reports

    Inter-comparison of high and low microwave frequency sea ice concentration algorithms

    Carolina Gabarro, ICMCSIC

  • Visiting scientists reports

    Improving the effective temperature estimation over sea ice using low frequency microwave radiometer data and Arctic buoys

    Lise Kilic, Observatoire de Paris, LERMA

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