We do care about facilitating our users experience with our products. For that reason we have been creating several training material ranging from jupyter notebook to webinar describing the products.
Jupyter notebooks
In order to help with accessing and using our products, we have created a series of notebooks. Each presents how to use Python code in order to access the products, understand how the data are structured, and how to map or plot them. For each thematic, you will find introductory notebooks, presenting the basic uses. Use cases notebooks, presenting more specific usage of the data are being under development you can already find some about sea ice products here below.
All notebooks are available on EUMETlab (EUMETSAT code repositories).
The notebooks will regularly be evolving, and new sections will be added. Don't hesitate to come back to this page to stay tuned.
The Sea Surface Temperature repository currently gather 9 introductory notebooks:
- 1.1a Accessing Metop SST metagranule data through IFREMER opensearch queries
- 1.1b Accessing OSI SAF SST products through the IFREMER FTP server
- 1.1c Accessing OSI SAF SST products from EUMETSAT Data Store using EUMDAC
- 1.2 Exploring OSI SAF SST product structure
- 1.3a Mapping Metop SST Metagranules
- 1.3b Mapping Global Metop AVHRR SST products
- 1.3c Mapping Meteosat SST from Geostationary Satellites
- 1.3d Mapping Meteosat SST for the North Atlantic Regional Product
- 1.3e Mapping Meteosat SST from IASI Soundings
The Sea Ice repository currently gather 11 introductory notebooks and 2 use case notebooks:
- 1.1a Accessing OSI SAF sea ice products via FTP server
- 1.1b Accessing OSI SAF sea ice products via C3S Climate Data Store
- 1.1c Accessing OSI SAF sea ice products via Copernicus Marine Data service
- 1.2 Exploring OSI SAF sea ice file structure
- 1.3a Mapping OSI SAF sea ice concentration
- 1.3b Mapping OSI SAF sea ice edge
- 1.3c Mapping OSI SAF sea ice type
- 1.3d Mapping OSI SAF sea ice drift
- 1.3e Mapping OSI SAF sea ice emissivity
- 1.3f Plotting OSI SAF sea ice index
- 1.4 Accessing and mapping OSI SAF sea ice data via THREDDS
Use cases
The Wind repository currently gather 6 introductory notebooks and 2 use case notebooks:
- 1.1a Accessing OSI SAF wind products from KNMI FTP server
- 1.1b Accessing OSI SAF wind products from the EUMDAC data store
- 1.2a OSI SAF wind ASCAT file structure
- 1.2b OSI SAF wind HY file struxcture
- 1.3a Mapping examples of OSI SAF ASCAT wind products
- 1.3b Mapping examples of OSI SAF HY wind products
Use cases
One can find other repositories demonstrating how to use OSI SAF data using Python language.
- On his GitHub repository, Thomas Lavergne demonstrates a few uses of our sea ice products including Sea Ice Index, Sea Ice Concentration.
If you own such a repository, and would like us to list you here, do not hesitate to contact us. We are allways keen to share uses of our data examples.
On 10 September 2024, a webinar about the OSI SAF Sea Ice climate records has been held. A recorded version is available online.
In january and february 2022, a serie of 3 webinar have been held :
- 25 January 2022 - Sea Surface Temperature
- 27 January 2022 - Sea Ice parameters
- 1 February 2022 - Climate Data Records