Live Production Status for OSI SAF LML products

Updated at 20250113 23:05 UTC (updated every 15 minutes).

INPUT data For   Last input
reference date
Available in
processing chain
GOES-EastOSI-207-305-306 series20250113 22:4020250113 22:53
Meteosat-0°OSI-206-303-304 series20250113 22:3020250113 22:45
Meteosat-IOOSI-IO-SST-DLI-SSI series20250113 22:3020250113 22:45
Metop-b AVHRROSI-201-202-204 series20250113 22:1620250113 22:46
Metop-b IASIOSI-208 series20250113 20:4120250113 21:46
Metop-c AVHRROSI-204 series20250113 21:3120250113 22:14
NOAA-20OSI-202 series20250113 14:3820250113 15:01
Product identifierProduct name Last product
reference date
Available on
FTP since
Status Last product
reference date
Received from
EUMETCast at
OSI-201-bGLB SSToperational20250113 12:0020250113 22:14--- 20250113 12:0020250113 18:47---
OSI-202-c Metop-bNAR SST (Metop-b)operational20250113 10:0020250113 16:35--- 20250113 10:0020250113 15:24---
OSI-202-c Noaa20NAR SST (NOAA-20)operational20250113 12:0020250113 16:31--- 20250113 12:0020250113 16:04---
OSI-204-bMGR SST(Metop-b)operational20250113 21:5820250113 22:55--- 20250113 21:5220250113 22:49---
OSI-204-cMGR SST (Metop-c)operational20250113 21:3120250113 22:52--- NANANA
OSI-206-aMeteosat SSToperational20250113 21:0020250113 22:36--- 20250113 21:0020250113 22:08---
OSI-207-bGOES-East SSToperational20250113 21:0020250113 22:14--- 20250113 21:0020250113 21:58---
OSI-208-bIASI SSToperational20250113 20:4120250113 22:16--- 20250113 20:4120250113 21:50---
OSI-303-a/304-a DMeteosat DLI/SSI Dailyoperational20250112 12:0020250113 01:14--- 20250112 12:0020250113 00:26---
OSI-303-a/304-a HMeteosat DLI/SSI Hourlyoperational20250113 22:0020250113 22:44--- 20250113 22:0020250113 22:22---
OSI-305-b/306-b DGOES-East DLI/SSI Dailyoperational20250112 12:0020250113 00:51--- 20250112 12:0020250113 00:37---
OSI-305-b/306-b HGOES-East DLI/SSI Hourlyoperational20250113 21:0020250113 22:07--- 20250113 22:0020250113 22:29---
OSI-IO-DLI/SSI DMeteosat-IO DLI/SSI Dailydemo20250112 12:0020250113 01:00--- NANANA
OSI-IO-DLI/SSI HMeteosat-IO DLI/SSI Hourlydemo20250113 22:0020250113 22:45--- NANANA
OSI-IO-SSTMeteosat-IO SSTdemo20250113 21:0020250113 22:43--- NANANA

Live Production Status: --- Nominal, --- Late (out of timeliness), --- Missing.
NA: Not Available.
All time are in coordinated universal time (UTC).
This page shows the availability of the near-real time OSI SAF LML products, both on the FTP server and on the EUMETCast reception station.
The availability of the input data is displayed in the table below.
For more information about late or missing data, please consult the "Service Messages".
For information about the product quality, please consult the quality level inside each file and the "Service Messages".
Product can be operational, pre-operational, in development, discontinued, released, demo.

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