Access to data

  • You can access OSI SAF products through the several means (FTP, HTTPS, Thredds, Opensearch, EUMETCast, EUMETSAT Archive). You can discover and visualise them through quicklooks, EUMETView... Some OSI SAF products are also redistributed by Copernicus (Marine and Climate Change Services) and NASA PO.DAAC.

    Please look at the section "Data Access" on each product page on the OSI SAF web site to see the available means for each product.


    FTP, HTTPS and Thredds

    Each product page contains the FTP server name and the directory where the product is available. If available, the HTTPS and Thredds means are also detailed. Thredds provides an inventory of the granules (no search capability, not very useful) and more importantly allows to remotely subset and download actual data from a given file through OpenDAP (to get numerical values) or WMS (to get a map to be displayed within a GIS software).

    Please note that, for some of the access means, you need credentials which are provided on request, after registration on OSI SAF web site.

    • WIND FTP

      Wind products on the wind FTP server (hosted by KNMI). You need credentials which are provided on request, after registration on OSI SAF web site.

    • HL FTP & Thredds

      High latitudes sea surface temperature, sea ice and radiative fluxes products on the HL FTP server (hosted by MET Norway).

      A Thredds access is also available. It allows users to access data through OpenDAP. WMS access is also available for all gridded and geostationary products (refer to each product page).

    • LML FTP, HTTPS and Thredds

      Other sea surface temperature and radiative fluxes on the LML FTP server (hosted by Ifremer) accessible with the username anonymous. See Data tree on LML FTP server.

      A HTTPS access has been implemented on Ifremer server, in case you cannot use the FTP protocol.

      A Thredds access are also available. It allows users to access data through OpenDAP. WMS access is also available for all gridded and geostationary products (refer to each product page).



    Opensearch allows to select the relevant granules or files within a collection, based on time and space search criteria.

    The power of the OpenSearch service relies in automating a whole sequence within a script that combines the granule search, the parsing of the XML result and the download of the data files.

    The OSI SAF products currently available though this service are listed on this page:, in the drop-down menu "datasetId", for example:

    To learn more about this service, you can read the story Selecting your area of interest with OSI SAF Opensearch Web Service.



    EUMETCast is a multi-service dissemination system based on standard Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) technology. It uses commercial telecommunication geostationary satellites to multi-cast files (data and products) to a wide user community. EUMETCast also delivers a range of third-party products.

    More information on

  • Eumetsat_Data_Centre

    EUMETSAT Archive

    The EUMETSAT Data Centre provides a long-term archive of data products which can be ordered online.

    The EUMETSAT Data Store is an online repository for delivering satellite data to the users, with no waiting times.

    The Data Centre ordering client is starting to be phased out, and from June 2023, you may notice orders are slower and supporting fewer features. By 2025, the ordering client will no longer be available.

    We encourage you to use the EUMETSAT Data Store instead. It offers a modern and flexible way to search, discover and download data.

  • Eumetsat_Product_Navigator

    EUMETSAT Product Navigator

    The EUMETSAT Product Navigator is the catalogue for all EUMETSAT data and products, including third-party products disseminated via EUMETCast.


  • EUMETView_logo


    EUMETView is an Online Map Service (OMS) that provides these visualisations through a customisable web user interface (WebUI) and an enhanced set of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard APIs.


    OSI SAF quicklooks

    You can find

    • Wind quicklooks on the wind pages
    • High latitudes sea surface temperature, sea ice and radiative fluxes quicklooks on the HL pages
    • Other sea surface temperature and radiative fluxes quicklooks on the LML pages

    Redistribution of OSI SAF products

    Some OSI SAF products are also redistributed via external services.

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