Newsletter #5

Newsletter #5 - October 12th, 2023
News from the OSI SAF !
Dear OSI SAF users, colleagues and partners,

A new academic year just started and we are very happy to get back in touch with you !

It has been some time since the last newsletter. There are some new visiting scientist activities that have been achieved this year, check out the stories. Did you notice the new addition of OSI SAF Sea Ice Concentration product on EUMETView ? It makes it now possible to visualize 3 main types of OSI SAF products on this EUMETSAT data visualisation tool.

In the coming months, we are impatient to process MTG-I data and deliver new products. We look forward to hear from you and work together !

The OSI SAF team.
Latest stories
Explore OSI SAF products on EUMETView
OSI SAF  Wind, Sea Ice and SST Products on EUMETView
Blended Global Sea Ice Concentration Climate and Interim Climate Data Records for Northern Hemisphere – DMSP layer is now available on EUMETView. This addition to the EUMETview portal makes it now possible to view 3 types of OSI SAF product datasets on the platform. Users can combine information about Sea Ice, Sea Surface Winds and Sea Surface Temperature in the Nothern Hemisphere. Read the full story and try it out yourself.

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International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting 2023

One of the key meteorological parameters for weather forecasting, meteorological studies and climate applications is wind. It is therefore a major task for the science and operational communities to exploit the backscatter data from scatterometers in order to derive ocean vector winds (OVW). Herewith we announce a face-to-face IOVWST meeting, following virtual meetings in November 2023. The objectives for the face-to-face meeting follow the objectives of the CGMS Ocean Surface Winds (OSW) Task Group (TG) on OVW product intercalibration, consolidation and standardization for user convenience.

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On the use of machine learning to correct NWP model sea surface wind forecasts with scatterometer data input

In the context of the OSI SAF Visiting Scientist Program, Evgeniia Makarova from the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM - CSIC) in Barcelona, worked on the implementation and validation of a number of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms that predict ERA5 sea surface wind biases based on several input parameters related to ocean and atmospheric processes, mostly available from NWP output. The work demonstrates the feasibility to predict ERA5 local biases, mainly using information based only on other NWP variables. Find out more in the story.

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Predicted scatterometer differences
Generating a snow and ice thickness dataset from space-borne freeboard measurements for evaluating the sensitivity of the snow microwave radiative transfer model (SMRT)

In the context of the OSI SAF Visiting Scientist Activities Program, Hoyeon Shi from Seoul National University (SNU) in South Korea, worked on generating Arctic snow depth and sea ice thickness dataset by combining CryoSat-2, AMSR, and AVHRR measurements. The main objective was to produce a daily snow depth and sea ice thickness dataset from satellite measurements to support the evaluation of the Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer model (SMRT). The comparison showed that there was good consistency between the retrievals and the validation datasets. Read the full story here.

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w and ice thickness dataset from space-borne freeboard measurements for evaluating the sensitivity of the snow microwave radiative transfer model (SMRT)
Validation Methodology for the OSI SAF Sea Ice Concentration Data Records

In the context of the OSI SAF Visiting Scientist Activities (VSA) Program, Roberto Saldo from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Lyngby, Denmark, worked on the implementation of a new validation methodology for the OSI SAF sea ice concentration (SIC) climate data records (CDRs) and the validation of the OSI SAF SIC CDRs version 3. The work has led to the setup of a new and more suitable validation methodology for the OSI SAF SIC CDRs. Read about it in this story.

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Validation methodology for the OSI SAF sea ice concentration data records
Latest publications
2023 / Li et al.

Li, Z., Verhoef, A., Stoffelen, A., Shang, J., and Dou, F.: First Results from the WindRAD Scatterometer on Board FY-3E: Data Analysis, Calibration and Wind Retrieval Evaluation, Remote Sensing, 15, 2087, 2023.

2023 / Guinaldo et al.

Guinaldo, T., Voldoire, A., Waldman, R., Saux Picart, S., and Roquet, H.: Response of the sea surface temperature to heatwaves during the France 2022 meteorological summer, Ocean Sci., 19, 629–647, 2023.

2023 / Zhao et al. a

Zhao, K., Stoffelen, A., Verspeek, J., Verhoef, A., and Zhao, C.: Bayesian Algorithm for Rain Detection in Ku-Band Scatterometer Data, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 61, 1–16, 2023.

What's up ?

Read the story about the International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting 2023 ? It is still time to register !

Stay tuned ! HY-2D winds are becoming available soon and at the same time the WIND team is working on harmonising all wind products from HY-2B, HY-2C, HY-2D, and also those from the future Oceansat-3 products. Oceansat-3 data are not yet available in near-real time but the off-line test data are looking promising. The product harmonisation and improvements are in particular focussing on the calibration of the winds and on the quality control skill. An update of the existing products can be expected in a couple of months.

In response to needs identified by the Third International Operational Satellite Oceanography Symposium in June 2023, the hosts (EUMETSAT, NOAA, KHOA and KIOST) are convening a follow-up Operational Satellite Oceanography Workshop which will offer further training on how to exploit operational marine Earth observation data streams. The training event will take place online from 27 to 29 November. Follow the link for more information.

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