International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting 2023

  • Final agenda and link for virtual attendance

    All the details are in this file: 01_IOVWST_agenda_v5.pdf


    Face-to-face meeting, 30 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2023, Nanjing, China

    One of the key meteorological parameters for weather forecasting, meteorological studies and climate applications is wind. It is therefore a major task for the science and operational communities to exploit the backscatter data from scatterometers in order to derive ocean vector winds (OVW). The globally derived OVW fields are an established and essential product, especially for weather prediction. The IOVWST meetings provide a forum to collaborate in the international operational and research communities of the growing international virtual scatterometer constellation, and strongly contribute to the improvement in quality of the derived wind fields to facilitate user uptake.

    Herewith we announce a face-to-face IOVWST meeting, following virtual meetings in November 2023. The objectives for the face-to-face meeting follow the objectives of the CGMS Ocean Surface Winds (OSW) Task Group (TG) on OVW product intercalibration, consolidation and standardization for user convenience. This workshop will take place in Nanjing, China, at NUIST. Wenming Lin and Ad Stoffelen are facilitating the arrangements for this meeting on behalf of the other organizing committee members, Yijune He (NUIST), Xiaolong Dong (NSSC, CAS), Mingsen Lin (NSOAS), Peng Zhang (NSMC, CMA) and Zhixiong Wang (NUIST). The meeting is being co-organized by NUIST, NSOAS, CMA, NSMC, NSSC and the EUMETSAT OSI SAF.

    The venue presents an opportunity to present advances and new ideas in this specialized field. We therefore encourage participation from all organizations operating scatterometers, as well as from data producers, users and the science community. Presentations on operational and experimental wind retrievals from satellite instrument data and their use for nowcasting, Numerical Weather Prediction, oceanography or in climatological applications are welcome.

    Note that a series of largely independent virtual IOVWST meetings in November 2023 precedes this face-to-face meeting in Nanjing, and which will address the more broader topics:

    1. Discussions of Missions Supporting Air/Sea Interaction;
    2. Dataset Needs and Applications for Climate Studies;
    3. Progress in Understanding and Calibrating Winds.

    Also, the face-to-face meeting would follow the 4th CFOSAT science meeting and we trust that some participants will be interested to attend both meetings.

    Illustrations virtual constellation, resp.  © EUMETSAT, NSOAS, CMA, ISRO

    Illustrations virtual constellation, resp.  © EUMETSAT, NSOAS, CMA, ISRO
  • Abstract submission, registration and venue

    You are cordially invited to submit a brief abstract for an oral presentation and/or a poster presentation at the meeting. Abstracts should be emailed to the facilitators of this meeting, together with the registration form in this document. If you do not wish to make a presentation please mention this on your registration form. The abstract should be in English, approximately one half of an A4 page and provided in electronic form (WORD, RTF or simple text format). The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is 16 October 2023 and for registration 26 October 2023.

    Meeting proceedings will be prepared and placed online shortly after the meeting at the IOVWST web site.

    The meeting will take place at:
    Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST)
    Ningliu Lu 219, Nanjing, 210044, China

    Hotel accommodations and (English) reservation services are provided in this document, see "practical information".

    Foreign visitors requiring non-tourist VISA may request an invitation letter by email to, while attaching a photocopy of your passport.

    Further information about the meeting will be communicated by email to the registered participants.

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