Documentation for OSI SAF LML products
Sea Surface Temperature
User documentation for the OSI SAF Low and Mid-Latitude SST products (as opposed to High Latitude SST/IST products)
Product User Manual
for the Low Earth Orbiter Sea Surface Temperature
GBL SST (OSI-201-b), NAR SST (OSI-202-c), MGR SST (OSI-204-b, OSI-204-c), IASI SST (OSI-208-b)
for Geostationary Sea Surface Temperature
Meteosat 0° SST (OSI-206-a), GOES-East SST (OSI-207-a), Meteosat over Indian Ocean SST (demo)
for MSG/SEVIRI Sea Surface Temperature data record
DOI:10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_0004 (OSI-250)Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
for the Low EarthOrbiter Sea Surface Temperature Processing
GLB SST (OSI-201-b, OSI-201-c), NAR SST (OSI-202-c, OSI-202-d), MGR SST (OSI-204-b , OSI-204-c)
for Geostationary Satellite Sea Surface Temperature
Meteosat 0° SST (OSI-206-a), GOES-East SST (OSI-207-a), Meteosat over Indian Ocean SST (demo)
for MSG/SEVIRI Sea Surface Temperature data record
DOI:10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_0004 (OSI-250)Scientific Validation Report
GLB SST (OSI-201-b), NAR SST (OSI-202-b), MGR SST (OSI-204-b)
for Low Earth Orbiter Satellite SST
GLB SST (OSI-201-c), NAR SST (OSI-202-c), MGR SST (OSI-204-c)
for IASI Sea Surface Temperature
IASI SST (OSI-208 series)
for the Geostationary Satellite Sea Surface Temperature
Meteosat SST: OSI-206-a, GOES-East SST: OSI-207-b, Meteosat Indian Ocean SST: OSI-IO-SST
for MSG/SEVIRI Sea Surface Temperature data record
DOI:10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_0004 (OSI-250)Radiative fluxes (DLI and SSI)
User documentation for the OSI SAF Low and Mid-Latitude DLI and SSI products (as opposed to High Latitude DLI+SSI products):
- Downward Longwave Irradiance
- Surface Solar Irradiance
Product User Manual
for the Geostationary Satellites Radiative Fluxes
Meteosat 0° SST (OSI-303-a, OSI-304-a), GOES-East SST (OSI-305-b, OSI-306-b), Meteosat over Indian Ocean DLI, SSI (demo)Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
for the Geostationary Satellite Radiative Fluxes
Meteosat 0° SST (OSI-303-a, OSI-304-a), GOES-East SST (OSI-305-b, OSI-306-b), Meteosat over Indian Ocean DLI, SSI (demo)Scientific Validation Report
for the Geostationary Satellite Radiative Fluxes
Meteosat 0° SST (OSI-303-a, OSI-304-a), GOES-East SST (OSI-305-b, OSI-306-b), Meteosat over Indian Ocean DLI, SSI (demo)Old LML documentation (previous versions)
Old versions of product documents are kept for reference.