Observing oceans from space

The OSI SAF develops, processes and distributes, in near real-time, products related to key parameters of the ocean-atmosphere interface. The OSI SAF also offers climatological data records.

The OSI SAF team focuses on sea surface winds, sea and sea ice surface temperature, radiative fluxes : downward longwave irradiance and surface solar irradiance, sea ice concentration, edge, type, emissivity, drift.

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About us


The OSI SAF has three operational processing centers. The wind processing is performed at KNMI in De Bilt, Netherlands. The sea ice processing is performed at the High Latitude processing facility, operated jointly by the Norwegian and Danish Meteorological Institutes, respectively in Oslo and Copenhagen. The Low and Mid-Latitude (LML) processing facility, processing sea surface temperature and radiative fluxes, is operated by Météo-France in Lannion and by Ifremer in Plouzané.



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Scientific publications about OSI SAF products

  • 2025 / De Jager & Vichi

    De Jager, W. and Vichi, M.: Increased Rotational Coupling Between Antarctic Sea Ice and the Atmosphere Over the Last 30 Years, JGR Oceans, 130, e2024JC021239, 2025.

  • 2024 / Wernecke et al.

    Wernecke, A., Notz, D., Kern, S., and Lavergne, T.: Estimating the uncertainty of sea-ice area and sea-ice extent from satellite retrievals, The Cryosphere, 18, 2473–2486, 2024.

  • 2024 / Grieco et al.

    Grieco, G., Portabella, M., Stoffelen, A., Verhoef, A., Vogelzang, J., Zanchetta, A., and Zecchetto, S.: Coastal wind retrievals from corrected QuikSCAT Normalized Radar Cross Sections, Remote Sensing of Environment, 308, 114179, 2024.

  • 2024 / Bushuk et al.

    Bushuk, M., Ali, S., Bailey, D. A., Bao, Q., Batté, L., Bhatt, U. S., Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., Blockley, E., Cawley, G., Chi, J., Counillon, F., Coulombe, P. G., Cullather, R. I., Diebold, F. X., Dirkson, A., Exarchou, E., Göbel, M., Gregory, W., Guemas, V., Hamilton, L., He, B., Horvath, S., Ionita, M., Kay, J. E., Kim, E., Kimura, N., Kondrashov, D., Labe, Z. M., Lee, W., Lee, Y. J., Li, C., Li, X., Lin, Y., Liu, Y., Maslowski, W., Massonnet, F., Meier, W. N., Merryfield, W. J., Myint, H., Navarro, J. C. A., Petty, A., Qiao, F., Schröder, D., Schweiger, A., Shu, Q., Sigmond, M., Steele, M., Stroeve, J., Sun, N., Tietsche, S., Tsamados, M., Wang, K., Wang, J., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Williams, J., Yang, Q., Yuan, X., Zhang, J., and Zhang, Y.: Predicting September Arctic Sea Ice: A Multimodel Seasonal Skill Comparison, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105, E1170–E1203, 2024.

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