10 March 2025
- Radiative fluxes
Discontinuation of OSI SAF GOES-East radiative fluxes on 4 April 2025
Dear OSI SAF radiative fluxes users,
The OSI SAF GOES-East Downward Longwave Irradiance (OSI-305-b) and Surface Solar Irradiance (OSI-306-b) are going to be definitely discontinued on the 4th of April 2025. They won't be available anymore, neither on the FTP server nor on EUMETCast.
Despite user surveys and personal contacts to persons who had approached our helpdesk, we have not received any feedback telling us that these products were regularly used. Please contact us as soon as possible if you are using any of these OSI SAF products and tell us if you are not able to deal with this discontinuation.
Alternative products are the following:
- For near-real time data, the NOAA is distributing one product similar to the OSI SAF Surface Solar Irradiance (OSI-306-b) : https://www.goes-r.gov/products/baseline-DSR.html
- For climate usage, we advise you to use the CM SAF products.
Don't hesitate to contact us to osi-saf.manager@meteo.fr if you have any question.
Impacted products:
[OSI-305-b] GOES-East Downward Longwave Irradiance
[OSI-306-b] GOES-East Surface Solar Irradiance
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