2007 User Workshop in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
This 3rd OSI SAF user workshop took place on the 27 September 2007 in the context of the EUMETSAT and American Meteorological Society joint Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Status of the OSI SAF, Guenole Guevel, Météo-France
SEAFLUX overview, Carol Anne Clayson, FSU, Florida
Validation of the OSI SAF radiative fluxes over the equatorial atlantic during AMMA experiment, Anne Marsouin, Météo-France
Spatial scales of diurnal warm-layer events in the western Mediterranean Sea and Bay of Biscay, from SEVIRI SSTs, Chris Merchant, University of Edinburgh
HOAPS-3: Improved climatology of the global ocean water cycle parameters derived from SSM/I satellite data, Axel Andersson, University of Hamburg
Global High Resolution Sea Surface Flux Parameters From Multiple Satellites, John J. Bates, NOAA/NCDC
Application of OSI-SAF products within the GHRSST-PP and GMES Marine Core Services, Adrian Hines, UKMO (GHRSST)
Oceanic Applications of the EUMETSAT MSG SST Product, Richard Legeckis, NOAA/NESDIS
Decadal evolution of the coastal temperature from satellite and in situ data sets, Francis Gohin, Ifremer
Analysis of ocean surface heat fluxes for the Special Observing Period of the AMMA project using numerical weather prediction mo, Salvatore Marullo, ENEA Centro Ricerche Frascati, ItalyAfternoon
Improving and popularizing usage of O&SI SAF data - The Nausicaa and Naiad tool suite, Jean-François Piolle, Ifremer
Status and validation of the OSI SAF Sea Ice, Lars-Anders Breivik, Met.no, Norway
Sea ice products from scatterometers at IFREMER/CERSAT, Fanny Girard-Ardhuin, Ifremer
Use of OSI SAF MAP SST and sea ice concentration products in assimilation in the HIRLAM model, John de Vries, KNMI
Using A Sea Ice Adjoint Model for Data Assimilation and Sensitivity Studies, Ian Fenty, MIT, Massachusetts
Status and validation of the OSI SAF Wind, Ad Stoffelen, KNMI
The Operational Use of Scatterometer Winds at NOAA, Joe Sienkiewicz, NOAA
Validation and Analysis of the Surface Parameters Using ASCAT Data, A.Bentamy, IfremerDiscussion-conclusion
Notes from the final discussion
Presentation made in the oceanography session of AMS-EUMETSAT conference : Operational Sea SurfaceTemperature retrieval from M