2014 User Workshop in Toulouse, France and on-line survey
This 6th OSI SAF user workshop took place on the 19-20 November 2014 in Météo-France headquarter. The survey was proposed to users during the second half of 2014.
The outcome of the survey and the workshop and the material presented during the workshop is available below.
Outcome of the survey and workshop
Wednesday 19 November
Overview of the OSI SAF & user survey, Cécile Hernandez, Météo-France
The EUMETSAT SAF Network, Lothar Schüller, EUMETSAT
Status of the MSG, EPS-SG programs, François Montagner, EUMETSAT
Sentinel-3 products, François Montagner, EUMETSAT
Third party mission data redistribution*, François Montagner, EUMETSAT
Altimetry products Validation of the OSI SAF radiative fluxes over the equatorial atlantic during AMMA experiment*, François Montagner, EUMETSATSession 1 : Sea Ice - Chair : Thomas Lavergne, MET Norway
OSI SAF prospects on Sea Ice, Steinar Eastwood, MET Norway
Sea ice emissivity modelling at Météo-France and related impact studies, via data assimilation in ARPEGE, over polar regions, Vincent Guidard on behalf of Fatima Karbou, Météo-France
Needs for SST and sea-ice, Giovanna De Chiara on behalf of Magdalena Balmaseda, ECMWF
Research involving 4DVar data assimilation of the OSI SAF products, Frank Kauker, AWI, O.A.Sys
Use of the OSI SAF sea ice concentration data at CM SAF, Nathalie Selbach, DWD
Experience and feedback about the OSI SAF sea ice concentration product from OSTIA (Met Office), Jonah Roberts-Jones, Met Office
Discussion on sea ie requirementsSession 2 : Sea Surface Temperature and radiative fluxes - Chair : Stéphane Saux-Picart, Météo-France
OSI SAF prospects on SST and radiative fluxes, Stéphane Saux-Picart & Steinar Eastwood, Météo-France & MET Norway
Experience and feedback about the OSI SAF SST product from OSTIA (Met Office), Jonah Roberts-Jones, Met Office
Experience and feedback from southern countries in satellite oceanography research, training and expertise, Dominique Dagorne, IRD
Use of geostationary Surface Solar Irradiance in spatial interpolations of local observations, Emilie Mallet, Météo-France
Discussion on SST and radiative fluxes requirementsSession 3 : Interactions with other projects - Chair : Hervé Roquet, Météo-France
SST reprocessing from low earth orbiting satellites in ESA-CCI, Owen Embury (by phone), University of Reading
PO.DAAC and NASA working on developing best practices towards data quality, David Moroni, PO.DAAC
Copernicus Marine Service : future use and needs concerning OSI SAF products, Laurence Crosnier, Mercator OceanThursday 20 November
Session 4 : Wind - Chair : Anton Verhof, KNMI
OSI SAF prospects on Wind, Ad Stoffelen, KNMI
Servicing Diverse User Needs with Physical Oceanographic Data at a NASA Data Center, David Moroni, PO.DAAC
Satellite winds for surges, waves and oceanography, Marco Bajo, ISMAR
Scatterometer wind products for Nowcasting, Magnus Ovhed, MET Norway
Wind products use and needs at ECMWF, Giovanna De Chiara, ECMWF
Operational use of OSI SAF scatterometer winds at Météo-France: processing and impacts, Christophe Payan, Météo-France
Discussion on wind requirementsGeneral discussion and wrap-up
Sea Ice workshop summary
SST and radiative fluxes workshop summary
Wind workshop summary