24 February 2025
- Sea Surface Temperature
- Radiative fluxes
issue on IFREMER ftp server : Now OK
Due to a dissemination issue on IFREMER ftp server, products were missing on LML ftp server :
IASI SST from 2025-02-22T16:38:17Z to 20:48:17Z and from 2025-02-23T11:53:17Z to 13:18:17Z
Metop SST from 2025-02-22T22:53:17Z to 2025-02-22T01:17:17Z and from 2025-02-23T20:38:17Z to 21:48:17Z
Meteosat 0° SST , GoesEAST SST, Meteosat 0° DLI/SSI Hourly, Meteosat Indian Ocean DLI/SSI Hourly 2025-02-23T10:13:17Z to 11:48:17Z
Dissemination is back to normal.
Impacted products :
[OSI-207-b] GOES-East Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-206-a] Meteosat Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-IO-SST] Meteosat Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-208-b] Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-204-b] Full resolution Metop Sea Surface Temperature metagranules