Global Sea Ice Concentration climate data record (AMSR), release 3
Released Climate productThe sea-ice concentration Climate Data Record covering the northern and southern hemispheres using AMSRs. Companion to OSI-450-a. R2O from ESA CCI (SICCI-25km).
L3+L4 daily files.
Product navigator reference :
OSI SAF producer : Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Identifier : OSI-458
Digital object identifier (DOI) 10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_0015
Acronym for EDC (APNM) : OR458SICO
License/Attribution : See at bottom
Processing level : L3+L4
Satellite input : ASMR-E (NSIDC) and AMSR-2 (JAXA)
Other input : NWP outputs (Copernicus C3S ERA5)
Temporal sampling : 24 h
Central time : 12:00
Spatial coverage : Global
Spatial sampling : 25 km
Projection : EASE2
File Formats : HL FTP Server (NetCDF4), EDC (NetCDF4)
Characteristics & methods : Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage.
Includes uncertainties.
Includes uncertainties.
Data Access
OSI SAF FTP server
Directory: ice/conc_amsr/v3p0
Accuracy Requirements
Target accuracy : 8 %
Verification/validation method : Primary Method: Direct comparison against high-quality 0% and 100% SIC reference data (stemming from the ESA CCI projects, Pedersen et al. 2019). See additional methods in the comments at the bottom of this page.
Applications and users
Usage : Climate models, NWP and Ocean/Ice reanalyses, environmental agencies.
Authorised to be operational / released :
Declared operational / released since :
On FTP server since :
First date :
Last date :
Full series temporal coverage : 2002-2020
License/Attribution : OSI SAF Global medium resolution sea ice concentration climate data record 2002-2020 (v3.0, 2022), OSI-458, doi:10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_0015. EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility. Data extracted from [distributor/distribution mean]: ([extracted period],) ([extracted domains],) accessed [download date]
The content within square brackets "[…]" is to be replaced with whatever distributor, period, domain or download date is relevant to the data being used. The "extracted period" and "extracted domains" are only needed if a subset of the data is being used.
Suggestions for "distributor/distribution mean": OSI SAF FTP server/the EUMETSAT Data Centre/EUMETCast/name and URL of a redistributor...
The content within square brackets "[…]" is to be replaced with whatever distributor, period, domain or download date is relevant to the data being used. The "extracted period" and "extracted domains" are only needed if a subset of the data is being used.
Suggestions for "distributor/distribution mean": OSI SAF FTP server/the EUMETSAT Data Centre/EUMETCast/name and URL of a redistributor...
New ticket helpdesk
New OSI SAF product (Research to Operations from ESA CCI).
The time period is June 2002 – Oct 2011 + July 2012 – Dec 2020:
Verification/validation methods: