Licensed under CC BY 4.0 by EUMETSAT

Atlantic High Latitude Surface Solar Irradiance

Operational Near real time product

Daily Surface Solar Irradiance over Atlantic High Latitudes based on AVHRR data from Metop and NOAA satellites.

Acronym : AHL SSI
Product navigator reference :


OSI SAF producer : Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Identifier : OSI-302-c
License/Attribution : See at bottom
Processing level : L3
Satellite input : Metop-B/AVHRR, Metop-C/AVHRR, NPP/VIIRS, NOAA-20/VIIRS
Other input : NWP outputs
Temporal sampling : 1 per day
Central time : 12:00
Timeliness : ? The timeliness is the time elapsing from the sensing time of the last contributing file to the product dissemination to users. It is similar to the latency. 3h30
Spatial coverage : Atlantic Ocean north of 50N and parts of the Arctic Ocean (+/-90° from 0° longitude)
Spatial sampling : 5 km
Projection : Polar stereographic
File Formats : HL FTP Server (NetCDF4), EDC (NetCDF4), EUMETCast (NetCDF4)
Characteristics & methods : Bulk parameterization, including over sea ice
Data Access

OSI SAF FTP server (last 31 days)

Directory: flux/daily

OSI SAF FTP server (archive)

Directory: flux/daily

EUMETSAT Multicast

Accuracy Requirements
Target accuracy : monthly relative absolute mean difference: 10 %, monthly relative standard deviation: 30 %
Verification/validation method : Routine comparison with pyranometers measurements
Applications and users
Usage : NWP, Ocean and biological modeling at operational and research centers, organisations mapping solar energy.
Authorised to be operational / released :
First date :
Full series temporal coverage : 2012-onwards
Detailed history :

The product series is operational since 2012:

  • version OSI-301 from 2012 to 19/03/2020
  • version OSI-301-b from 20/03/2020 to 22/05/2023
  • version OSI-301-c from 23/05/2023 onwards
License/Attribution : OSI SAF Atlantic High Latitude Surface Solar Irradiance 2023-onwards, OSI-302-c. EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility. Data extracted from [distributor/distribution mean]: ([extracted period],) ([extracted domains],) accessed [download date]

The content within square brackets "[…]" is to be replaced with whatever distributor, period, domain or download date is relevant to the data being used. The "extracted period" and "extracted domains" are only needed if a subset of the data is being used.
Suggestions for "distributor/distribution mean": OSI SAF FTP server/the EUMETSAT Data Centre/EUMETCast/name and URL of a redistributor...
  • This product superseded OSI-302-b on 23 May 2023 at 12:00 UTC. The major changes are the following:

    • Inclusion of VIIRS data from NOAA-20 and S-NPP
    • Inclusion of Metop-C
    • Switch from PPS v2014 to PPS v2021 for cloud products
    • Adjustment of the cloud transmittance coefficient

    The product file format is mainly unchanged, except some additions/corrections to the global attributes. For more details, check the new Product User Manual here:

    OSI-301-c and OSI-302-c are provided in the same product file.

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