OSI SAF demonstration products over Indian Ocean
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and radiative fluxes (Downward Long wave Irradiance DLI and Solar Surface Irradiance SSI) are processed over Indian Ocean using Meteosat-8 data as input data. They are distributed in near real time as demonstration products since mid-2017.
In June 2016, the EUMETSAT Council approved the move of Meteosat-8 over the Indian Ocean, to 41.5° E longitude, to establish the MSG Indian Ocean Data Coverage (IODC) services. Meteosat-8 reached its new position in September 2016 and data are distributed since October 2016. On the 1st February 2017, Meteosat-8 became the official geostationnary satellite on Indian Ocean. With Meteosat-8, first Meteosat second generation over Indian Ocean, it is the first time that we are able to process sea surface temperature from a geostationnary satellite over Indian Ocean, so with a high temporal frequency.
Please note that OSI SAF has no commitment on these demo products : these data are produced on a "best effort" basis, and are not delivered under operational constraints. The production may be temporarily interrupted without any notice. Moreover, we do not know until when we will have Meteosat-8 data and if it will be replaced.
The geostationnary SST, DLI and SSI product user manuals have been updated. Validation reports on SST, DLI and SSI with Meteosat-8 over Indian Ocean have been prepared.
The products are available in NetCDF4 format on Ifremer FTP server (Users rights are provided on request in the www.osi-saf.org registration process) :
hourly SST : ftp://eftp.ifremer.fr/cersat-rt/project/osi-saf/data/sst/l3c/seviri_io/
Hourly and daily DLI and SSI : ftp://eftp.ifremer.fr/cersat-rt/project/osi-saf/data/radflux/l3/msg_io/
User feedback to the OSI SAF project team is highly valued. The comments we get from our users is important argumentation when defining development activities and updates. We welcome anyone to use the data and provide feedback. Do not hesitate to contact us directly or with the helpdesk form.