Licensed under CC BY 4.0 by EUMETSAT

Global Sea Ice Concentration (SSMIS)

Superseded Archived NRT product

Ice concentration is computed from atmospherically corrected SSMIS brightness temperatures, using a combination of state-of-the-art algorithms. The product series is operational since 2005 (version OSI-401-b since 26/05/2016). This product is complementary to the AMSR-2 global sea ice concentration product (OSI-408).

Acronym : GBL SICO
Product navigator reference :


OSI SAF producer : Danish Meteorological Institute
Identifier : OSI-401-b
Digital object identifier (DOI) 10.15770/EUM_SAF_OSI_NRT_2004
Acronym for EDC (APNM) : OSICOGB
Processing level : L3
Satellite input : DMSP/SSMIS
Other input : ECMWF outputs
Temporal sampling : 1 per day
Central time : 12:00
Timeliness : ? The timeliness is the time elapsing from the sensing time of the last contributing file to the product dissemination to users. It is similar to the latency. 5 h
Spatial coverage : Global
Spatial sampling : 10 km
File Formats : HL FTP Server (NetCDF3), EDC (NetCDF3), EUMETCast (NetCDF3)
Characteristics & methods : Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage.
Data Access
Accuracy Requirements
Target accuracy : 10 % for NH-product. 15 % for SH-product
Verification/validation method : Comparison with high resolution manual ice charts
Applications and users
Usage : NWP and Ocean/Ice models, operational Met and Sea Ice services.
On EUMETCast since :
On FTP server since :
Expected date for operational/released :
  • Supersedes OSI-401

    Distributed in NetCDF via EUMETCast from 05/10/2017.
    Stop of GRIB EUMETCast dissemination on 05/04/2018.
    Stop of GRIB1 and HDF5 via FTP server also on 05/04/2018.

    EUMETSAT product navigator reference for GRIB files : EO:EUM:DAT:DMSP:GBLSIC

  • There are still some GRIB and HDF files in the archive, but only from 2018 and older.

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