Metop ASCAT 5.7 km Winds
Demonstrational : we welcome very much your feedback. Near real time productThe OSI SAF ASCAT winds from Metop-B are available on a high resolution swath grid size of 5.7 km as a demonstration product, parallel to the existing operational 25 km and 12.5 km products. Several users have asked for a higher resolution product and we welcome very much your feedback if you are interested to evaluate the products. Based on the feedback we will consider whether or not a future operational status is useful for these products. The products are disseminated in BUFR and NetCDF format and they are available only on the KNMI FTP server, not through EUMETCast.
OSI SAF producer : Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Identifier : OSI-AW5.7
Citation : See at bottom
Processing level : L2
Satellite input : Metop-B/ASCAT
Other input : ECMWF outputs (wind, SST, land-sea mask)
Temporal sampling : Continuous
Spatial coverage : Global
Spatial sampling : 5.7 km
File Formats : WIND FTP Server (BUFR), WIND FTP Server (NetCDF3)
Characteristics & methods : Swath sigma0’s and wind vectors
Data Access
Credentials for access to OSI SAF tools
For the FTP access, you need credentials which are provided on request, after registration on OSI SAF web site.
OSI SAF FTP (last 3 days)
Directory: ascat_b_osi_057
Accuracy Requirements
Target accuracy : NA
On FTP server since :
First date :
Full series temporal coverage : 2018-onwards
Citation : OSI SAF Metop ASCAT 5.7 km Winds 2018-onwards. EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility. Data extracted from [distributor/distribution mean]: ([extracted period],) ([extracted domains],) accessed [download date]
The content within square brackets "[…]" is to be replaced with whatever distributor, period, domain or download date is relevant to the data being used. The "extracted period" and "extracted domains" are only needed if a subset of the data is being used.
Suggestions for "distributor/distribution mean": OSI SAF FTP server/the EUMETSAT Data Centre/EUMETCast/name and URL of a redistributor…
When the data are used or displayed, they can be labelled as “OSI SAF Metop demonstational ASCAT 5.7 km Winds"
The content within square brackets "[…]" is to be replaced with whatever distributor, period, domain or download date is relevant to the data being used. The "extracted period" and "extracted domains" are only needed if a subset of the data is being used.
Suggestions for "distributor/distribution mean": OSI SAF FTP server/the EUMETSAT Data Centre/EUMETCast/name and URL of a redistributor…
When the data are used or displayed, they can be labelled as “OSI SAF Metop demonstational ASCAT 5.7 km Winds"
New ticket helpdesk
The winds are produced using the CMOD7 geophysical model function and contain stress-equivalent ECMWF background model winds as auxiliary data.
Background information on high resolution ASCAT wind retrievals can be found in this paper:
Vogelzang, J. and A. Stoffelen, ASCAT ultrahigh-resolution wind products on optimized grids, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth O, 2017, 10, 5, 2332-2339, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2623861.
Metop-A is not processed any more from November 2021.