Preparing for Meteosat Third Generation at OSI SAF
In order to prepare for the upcoming satellite mission and be ready to deliver operational products,
the Satellite Application Facilities need to prepare !
Atrist's view of Meteosat Third generation
Meteosat Third Generation
Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) is EUMETSAT’s next generation of geostationary satellites.
This next generation will provide improved weather monitoring capability, through an evolution of the imaging service, a new lightning imaging service, and a new atmospheric sounding service providing measurements in the infrared and ultraviolet.
The Flexible Combined Imager
One of the instruments from MTG is of particular interest for the OSI SAF: the Flexible Combined Imager (FCI). Onboard the MTG-I satellite, the FCI will continue the very successful operation of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). Requirements for the instrument have been formulated by regional and global numerical weather prediction (NWP) and nowcasting (NWC) communities. These requirements are reflected in the design which allows for scanning the full Earth disc in 10 minutes.
Two observation modes will be available from the FCI.
A first mode referred to as full disc high spectral resolution imagery (FDHSI) mission where the FCI measures 16 channels in the visible and infrared spectrum:
- 8 in the solar spectral domain between 0.4 µm to 2.2 µm, delivering data at a 1 km spatial sampling distance (resolution) at nadir (sub-satellite point the centre of the disc);
- 8 in the thermal spectral domain between 3.8 µm and 13.3 µm, delivering data at a 2 km spatial sampling distance at nadir.
A second observation mode referred to as high spatial resolution fast imagery (HRFI) mission. In this mode, the FCI samples:
- 2 channels in the solar domain (0.6 µm and 2.2 µm) at higher spatial sampling distance of 0.5 km;
- 2 channels in the thermal domain (3.8 µm and 10.5 µm) at a higher spatial sampling distance of 1 km at nadir.
Data access and dissemination means undergo important evolutions
The MTG era will see satellite data rates grow at least tenfold compared to current MSG services — to be acquired, processed and distributed to users by the MTG system ground segment; on their part, users need to assess whether their data acquiring and processing systems are capable of accessing and handling MTG data, to ensure smooth access to the new data streams and continuity of data services.
Let's see how the OSI SAF team at Météo-France prepares for Meteosat Third Generation.
The EUMETSAT Review Process
For each new generation of satellites, the OSI SAF systems undergo a full review process. First, the OSI SAF products and system requirements are defined. Secondly, the architecture of the system and its components are designed. When the system components are developed, they are integrated and tested. Then, the OSI SAF system as a whole is tested. Later, the OSI SAF system is connected to the EUMETSAT segment responsible of the distribution of input and output data. After the satellite launch, during a commissioning phase, the final step consists of checking the operational readiness to deliver the new MTG products.
At Météo-France, in Lannion, hosts of the Low and Mid Latitudes processing center of the OSI SAF, the expert teams are currently preparing the production of Meteosat Third Generation sea surface temperature and radiative fluxes products.
Initial review process
The test review process started in 2019 with several steps that took place only at the Satellite Application Facility. These were based on a simulated environment. As described on the figure on the left, the data processing system takes the following inputs:
- simulated raw satellite data;
- ancillary data ;
- simulated cloud data;
This crucial phase makes it possible to check that the system components, either newly developed or reused, are correctly adapted to an updated data format. It ensures the updated algorithm and the automated processes meet the timeliness requirements from data acquisition to satellite product distribution.
Antennas for EUMETCast reception at Météo-France Lannion
The next tests phase in 2021 involved both the OSI SAF and the facilities at EUMETSAT headquarters. They include testing the interfaces between EUMETSAT headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany and the Satellite Application Facility in Lannion, France and the end-to-end processing time, from the satellite sensing to the distribution of OSI SAF products to users.
This important phase required updating telecommunication systems: the Centre for Satellite Meteorology in Lannion, France, has installed 2 new antennas to be ready to receive MTG data from telecommunication satellites.
The 3 antennas on the left are turned to collect the data distributed on the operational satellite for EUMETCast. The 2 antennas on the right are pointed to collect the data distributed by the backup satellite for EUMETCast.
The next main step is going to take place after the launch of the first MTG satellite scheduled at the end of 2022 !
It includes a last review phase with the satellite in flight to ensure all planned operation and data processing is going well. At this time, the satellite products will be compared to in situ measurements to assess the quality of the OSI SAF retrieval.
Operational Review Process
Operational Readiness Reviews
The operational readiness reviews aim to validate the satellite data production from end-to-end. They include:
- Real MTG data acquisition through EUMETCast
- Validation of the system with operational procedures
- Scientific validation of the production
- Quality Monitoring
- Output data dissemination through EUMETCast
Sea Surface Temperature Full Globe from MSG
The image on the right shows Sea Surface Temperature measured on a full globe view from Meteosat Second Generation satellite. Adapting the operational production to Meteosat Thrid Generation with improved spatial, temporal and radiometric resolution is a challenging process which is almost complete !
We now look forward to the launch of Meteosat Third Generation planned at the end of 2022 !