OSI SAF participation to Sentinel-3/SLSTR SST Cal/Val

  • From end of 2014 to end of 2017, the OSI SAF teams participated to Sentinel-3 SST Cal/Val.

    This activity with EUMETSAT Secretariat included the following activities :

    • the building and delivery by Ifremer of a dedicated S3A/SLSTR Match-up database (MDB)
    • the provision by DMI of collocated ISAR and S3A/SLSTR skin SST measurements during the S3A/SLSTR cal/val phase, from DMI’s ISAR radiometer operated on a Royal Arctic Lines (RAL) ship, cruising regularly between Denmark and Greenland.
    • the exploitation by MET Norway and Météo-France of the S3A/SLSTR MDB to provide detailed SST cal/val results. Consistently with the current share of expertise in the OSI SAF consortium, MET Norway focused on the High Latitudes, where satellite SST retrievals have to deal with problems related to sea ice presence, specific illumination and atmospheric conditions, and  Météo-France focused on the Low and Mid-Latitudes.

    The SLSTR SST level 2 product (WST SST) and the single and dual view SST (WCT SST, produced but not disseminated) retrieval algorithms using SLSTR data have been validated against buoy and radiometer data. Concluding remarks are given in the conclusion of the report, for each validation area and in situ data type.


    Report on this activity : OSI SAF Sentinel-3 SLSTR SST validation report (2018)

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