Launch of a new development and operations phase at OSI SAF

  • The Ocean and Sea Ice SAF is 1 of the 8 EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facilities. It is one of the first Satellite Application Facilities that was implemented in 1997 and celebrated this year its 25th Anniversary. 2022 marks the launch of a new 5 year development and operations phase of OSI SAF activities !  

    Each new phase sets new developments goals and ensures continuity of operational production. There are several exciting developments to come with the upcoming launch of MTG-I and EPS-SG satellite platforms.

  • Project phases

    In march 2022, OSI SAF started it's 6th phase of activities.

    • 1997 - 2002 : Development phase
    • July 2002 - February 2007: IOP (Initial Operational Phase)
    • March 2007 - February 2012: CDOP (Continuous Development and Operations Phase)
    • March 2012 - February 2017: CDOP 2
    • March 2017 - February 2022: CDOP 3
    • March 2022 - February 2027: CDOP 4


  • A consortium to address scientific and technical challenges together

    Addressing scientific and technical challenges to ensure operational processing of ocean observation satellite data is first of all teamwork. During each new phase a consortium is constituted. The CDOP 4 consortium is constituted of Météo-France, as leading institute, and of the following co-operating institutes : Met Norway (Norway), DMI (Denmark), Ifremer (France) and KNMI (Netherlands). These historical 5 partners have been collaborating over several development and operations phases.

  • Project Team

    During each new development and operations phase, colleagues from the consortium meet in person to discuss. At least two times, once for a kick-off meeting and once for mid-term meeting. This year the project meeting took place in Hornbæk (Danemark) on September 29th and 30th. It is an important marker to exchange on the OSI SAF structuring developments and exchange on the ongoing work and challenges at different institutes.

    Additional online meeting to foster collaborations and develop common projects as well as encounters at scientific conferences are recurrent during the development and operations phase. Nevertheless the kick-off is an essential part of the 5 year phase where new colleagues have the opportunity to meet the complete project team.

    In total, about 30 colleagues are involved in OSI SAF activities. One of the goals in this new phase is to continue improving efforts towards outreach activities. The different teams will be presented and some interviews with our experts are planned to share with you what drives our motivation in future stories. This story is already here to say hi on behalf of the project team !

    • OSI SAF Project Team Meeting 2022 OSI SAF Project Team Meeting 2022
  • The overall logic of the OSI SAF during current phase (CDOP 4) is :

    • to carry into operations OSI SAF MTG and EPS-SG day-1 products already committed, and to contribute to EUMETSAT in-orbit commissioning activities of MTG-I1, METOP-SG-A1 and B1 satellites;
    • to develop innovative day-2 products, exploiting new capabilities offered by MTG and EPS-SG programmes;
    • to ensure the continuity of current operational OSI SAF products, with the necessary research and development activities to guarantee and when possible improve their quality;
    • to improve and extend in time already existing CDRs;
    • to strengthen efforts towards users in terms of support, training and outreach.

    Steering Group 

    To ensure the project follows it's workplan, validate the operational and financial decisions and guide the OSI SAF to best serve the final users, a steering group is defined. The group is an expert committee with members from each institue of the consortium, representatives of EUMETSAT secretariat and usually invites external experts.

    The steering group meets twice a year, once at in person at one of the consortium's institutes and once online and reviews the latest deliverables and advancements on key milestones. 

    • OSI SAF Steering group picture OSI SAF Steering group picture
  • As an example, the last steering group meeting took place at Météo-France's Meteorological Satellite Center in Lannion, France, on June 28th and 29th. It combined the CDOP 3 close-out meeting and CDOP 4 kick-off meeting and was the occasion to discuss : 

    CDOP 3  

    • Outcome and decisions CDOP 3 reviews
    • Presentation of the OSI SAF CDOP 3 close-out report
    • User outreach
    • CDOP 3 close-out decisions 

    CDOP 4

    • Legal aspects (proposal, agreement, sub-agreements)
    • CDOP 4 top level documentation
    • Status of CDOP 3 backlog and CDOP 4 activities 
    • CDOP 4 plans at Météo-France
    • Review of actions and decision
    • Date and place of next meeting

    25 Years of OSI SAF !

    As OSI SAF celebrated this year it's 25th Anniversary. The group picture of the steering group meeting in Lannion to kick-off the CDOP4 phase was taken on the same stairs at the initial OSI SAF kick-off meeting almost 25 years ago !


    • OSI SAF Kick Off Meeting - Group Picture OSI SAF Kick Off Meeting - Group Picture
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