GHRSST25 : International SST User's Symposium & GHRSST Science Team Meeting
The GHRSST is organising its annual 25th Users' symposium and Science Team Meeting from 10 to 14 June 2024 in Montréal - Canada. The event will be co-hosted by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Université du Québec.
Five sessions are planned :
- Session 1 – Coupled Data Assimilation
This session is open to presentations related to the actual progress in coupled data assimilation, with emphasis on the coupling between atmosphere, ocean, and ice. It will focus on the following:- Advances and challenges in coupled data assimilation systems for operational applications or reanalyses
- Applications of direct data assimilation
- Research on observation operators for SST and ice
- Session 2 – Climate Change and Variability in Global and Regional SST
This session aims to highlight the recent advancements in SST climate data records and reanalyses with a particular focus on the observed trends, variabilities and the corresponding uncertainties. It will focus on the following:- Advances in observational climate and reanalysis SST products
- Applications of SST observations and reanalyses in global and regional assessments of climate change and variability
- Applications of SST observations for assimilation, evaluation and inter-comparisons of climate models and dynamical reanalyses.
- Comparison and validation of climate simulations using different SST datasets
- Session 3 – Challenging Regions: The Coastal Margin and The Arctic
This session is dedicated to challenging regions for SST retrieval and analysis, with particular focus on coastal regions and the Arctic, which has been recognized as a user-driven priority for the upcoming year. It will focus on the following:- Advances in SST retrievals, in situ observations and products for challenging regions
- Applications of SST observations in regional assessments of climate change and variability in challenging regions
- Comparison and validation of SST products in challenging regions
- Advances in the representation of the marginal ice zone SST and combined SST/IST estimates
- Session 4 – Calibration, Validation, and Product Assessment
This session aims to highlight recent advancements in sea-surface temperature (SST), with a particular focus on the calibration and validation of satellite-derived SST products and the assessment of their quality and applicability, and a focus on in-situ/FRM datasets and inter-comparisons. It will focus on the following:- Calibration and inter-calibration of satellite instruments.
- Validation of satellite-derived SST products.
- Comparisons between satellite data products and in situ measurements.
- Inter-comparisons of satellite data products from various platforms and sensors.
- Quality control and quality assurance of satellite data products.
- Evaluation of uncertainties and error sources in SST products.
- Session 5 – Advances in Computing and Products
This session is dedicated to new and evolving approaches of computing techniques for GHRSST data product formulation, validation and scientific investigation. It will focus on the following:- Challenges and advances in various computing techniques
- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning applications
- Challenges and advances cloud computing and storage technologies
- Session 1 – Coupled Data Assimilation
The Symposium will be held at the University of Montréal:
Agora du Coeur des sciences
Pavillon Coeur des sciences175, ave. du Président Kennedy
Montréal, H2X 3P2
QUEBEC - CANADAGPS coordinates : 45.50932°N 73.56932°W
RegistrationGHRSST will be a hybrid event.
Registration is open until the 15 May 2024 for in-person attendee.
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