Newsletter #4

Newsletter #4 - January 31st, 2023
A new year full of projects at the OSI SAF !
Dear OSI SAF users, colleagues and partners,

Here comes the 4th edition of the OSI SAF newsletter ! This newsletter shares the outcomes of 2 visiting scientist's activities achieved last year and presents the access to OSI SAF Jupyter notebooks.

We are verry happy about the launch success of the first MTG satellite on the 13 December 2022. While Meteosat Third Generation-Imager 1 (MTG-I1) has embarked safely on its new life in space, we are impatient to process its data and deliver new products.

We look forward to hear from you, work together and maybe meet during this new year !

The OSI SAF team.
Latest stories
Online training & Jupyter Notebooks
2022 EUMETSAT Support Marine Earth Observation Applications (SMA) course
During Fall 2022, OSI SAF participated to an EUMETSAT online training course to support the development of Marine Applications. Contributing to this online course offered the occasion to develop Jupyter notebooks to support training modules for accessing, exploring and visualizing OSI SAF Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Ice, and Sea Surface Winds products.

These notebooks are now freely available from the EUMETSAT GitLab. Find out more about the online course and the notebooks in this story.
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Advanced gap-filling techniques for sea ice concentration climate data records

The OSI SAF delivers sea-ice concentration products in Near Real Time as well as in the form of Climate Data Records (CDRs) starting in the late 1970s. These are processed from polar-orbiting passive microwave radiometers which generally do not observe all the way to the poles, leaving an Arctic “polar observation hole”. The traditional technique for filling this hole involves a spatial interpolation which can produce unrealistic artifacts, especially for larger holes and during summer and early fall when the sea-ice edge is at high latitudes. Read about the new fill method that provides a more realistic fill for the polar observation hole in this story.

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OSI SAF Sea Ice Gap Filling
Coastal Pencil Beam Wind Processor

In the context of the OSI SAF Visiting Scientist Program, Giuseppe Grieco from the Instituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR-CNR) in Napoli, worked on the implementation of a Land Contribution Ratio (LCR) based Normalized Radar Cross Section (σ0) correction scheme applied to QuikSCAT measurements. σ0 noise characteristics and an accurate procedure aimed at mitigating the land contamination of coastal measurements are essential to improve the quality and sampling of coastal winds derived from scatterometers. Find out more in the full story.

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Coastal Pencil Beam Wind Processor
Latest publications
2022 / Vogelzang & Stoffelen

Vogelzang, J. and Stoffelen, A.: On the Accuracy and Consistency of Quintuple Collocation Analysis of In Situ, Scatterometer, and NWP Winds, Remote Sensing, 14, 4552, 2022.

2022 / Vogelzang et al.

Vogelzang, J., Stoffelen, A., and Verhoef, A.: The Effect of Error Non-Orthogonality on Triple Collocation Analyses, Remote Sensing, 14, 4268, 2022.

What's up ?

Save the date !

The 2023 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference will take place in Malmö, Sweden on 11 to 15 September. The deadline for abstract submission is 12 February 2023.

Reminder - Sea Ice Modelling Workshop

The 11th International Workshop on Sea Ice Modelling, Assimilation, Observations, Predictions and Verification (aka IICWG-DA-11) will take place in Oslo on 21-22-23 March 2023, at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

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