12 July 2021
- Wind
Discontinuation of OSI SAF ScatSat-1 winds
We regret to inform you that ISRO has confirmed that the ScatSat-1 instrument failure which occurred on 28th February is irrecoverable. Hence the OSI SAF ScatSat-1 wind products (OSI-112-a and OSI-112-b) are discontinued.
The ScatSat-1 mission has been wonderful in providing collocations with ASCAT winds, which has proven to help us to much enhance our generic Ku-band processing in many aspects. In addition, due to our fruitful collaboration, we have been able to swiftly serve the valuable ScatSat-1 winds to our users, all over the globe. We are very grateful for all ISRO’s efforts to make this mission a success and we are looking forward to ISRO's future Oceansat-3 scatterometer mission.
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