Message Service #3151

09 January 2025

  • Sea Surface Temperature

Update in SST products

Dear SST user,
This message concerns a minor update in the SST products listed below.
The pixel quality level of SST is degraded when the pixel is contaminated by dust aerosols. The information about aerosols comes either from the Saharan Dust Index (SDI) calculated from the Meteosat 0° coverage area or from the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD).
Moreover, to be compliant with the GHRSST Data Specification (GDS), OSI SAF SST products include a number of auxiliary fields, including an estimate of atmospheric aerosol (aerosol_dyanamic_indicator), filled with the AOD.
From today, AOD from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is used instead of the AOD from NAAPS (US navy) to estimate the aerosol contamination and to fill the auxiliary field on aerosols.
We expect the impact to be minor.
The Product User Manual and the Algorithms Theoretical Basis Document have been updated accordingly. You can find them on the product pages listed below.
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