02 October 2024
- Sea Surface Temperature
- Radiative fluxes
Solar interference from 2024-10-03 to 2024-10-16
Solar interference may affect EUMETCast-Europe from 2024-10-03 to 2024-10-16 between 11:00Z and 13:00Z: data broadcasting may be disrupted or interrupted for several minutes during this slot.
Impacted products :
[OSI-206-a] Meteosat Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-303-a] Meteosat Downward Longwave Irradiance
[OSI-304-a] Meteosat Solar Surface Irradiance
[OSI-IO-SST] Meteosat Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-IO-DLI] Meteosat Indian Ocean Downward Longwave Irradiance
[OSI-IO-SSI] Meteosat Indian Ocean Solar Surface Irradiance
[OSI-207-b] GOES-East Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-305-b] GOES-East Downward Longwave Irradiance
[OSI-306-b] GOES-East Solar Surface Irradiance
[OSI-201-b] Global Metop Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-202-c] North Atlantic Regional Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-204-b] Full resolution Metop Sea Surface Temperature metagranules
[OSI-208-b] Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer Sea Surface Temperature