Message Service #3089

24 October 2024

  • Sea Surface Temperature

Missing orbits in OSI-203-b and OSI-205-b

Dear user of OSI-203-b/205-b

The OSI SAF High Latitude SST/IST products based on SNPP VIIRS data, OSI-203-b and OSI-205-b, are experiencing that not all orbits are available. This leads to fewer than expected OSI-205-b L2 product files, and sometimes missing sectors in the twice daily L3 OSI-203-b product files. The cause for this is that OSI-203-b and OSI-205-b are based on EUMETCast EARS data, where SNPP VIIRS has the lowest priority of the satellites currenlty processed for the EARS service. Therefore SNPP VIIRS orbits are not processed when other satellites with higher priority has an orbit at the same time. This situation will continue and the users must expect that some orbits are missing.

The OSI SAF High Latitude team is working on the transition to NOAA-20 VIIRS, which will remove this problem. This transition is expected to happen in February-March 2025.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this might cause.

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