16 February 2024
- Sea Surface Temperature
- Radiative fluxes
Meteosat-10 eclipses and sun colinearity
Due to eclipse season from 2024-02-18 to 2024-04-07 OSI-SAF products may be degraded or missing between 2330Z and 01:45Z.
Due to Meteosat-10 sun colinearity from 2024-02-19 to 2024-02-29 OSI-SAF products may be degraded or missing between 11:45Z and 12:45Z
Impacted products:
[OSI-206-a] Meteosat Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-303-a] Meteosat Downward Longwave Irradiance
[OSI-304-a] Meteosat Solar Surface Irradiance
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