01 October 2024
- Sea Surface Temperature
- Radiative fluxes
METEOSAT-09 and METEOSAT-10 moon eclipse
Moon eclipses on 2024-10-02 for METEOSAT-09 between 20:17Z and 20:37Z and for METEOSAT-10 from 22:50 to 22:58Z . Products may be missing or with degraded quality.
Impacted products :
[OSI-206-a] Meteosat Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-303-a] Meteosat Downward Longwave Irradiance
[OSI-304-a] Meteosat Solar Surface Irradiance
[OSI-IO-SST] Meteosat Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature
[OSI-IO-DLI] Meteosat Indian Ocean Downward Longwave Irradiance
[OSI-IO-SSI] Meteosat Indian Ocean Solar Surface Irradiance
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